How to register 5-digit CID
Connect the ChainX network in MetaMask;
Network Name: chainx-mainnet
Chain ID: 1501
Currency Symbol: PCX
Block Explorer URL:
Open SoSwap and switch to the ChainX network as shown below
Transfer PCX from Funding Account to Trading Account in SoSwap
Click the CID registration link
Enter the 5 digits you want and check for availability. The result would be ‘Available’ or ‘Unavailable’ as shown in the image
Click the CID that is ‘Available’ and you would be redirected to the next page as shown below
Increase or decrease the rental tenure by using the (+) or (-) sign and clicking ‘Request to Register
Registering a name requires you to complete 3 steps
1) Request to register
Your wallet will open and you will be asked to confirm the first of two transactions required to register. If the second transaction is not processed within 1 day of the first, you need to start again from step 1.
2) Wait for 1 minute
A waiting period is necessary to ensure that others are not trying to register the same CID and to protect you after your request.
3) Complete Registration
Click ‘Register’ and your wallet will open again. You won’t know if you’ve got the CID until the second deal is confirmed.
Click the User Icon to view your 5-digit registered CID as shown below
Click on your registered 5-digit CID to access functions such as ‘Transfer’, ‘Set’ or ‘Extend’
Transfer function helps you transfer your CID to another ChainX EVM address
Set function helps you to bind the CID with a particular ChainX EVM address
Extend function would help you increase your rental tenure for the CID
Click ‘ADD/EDIT RECORD’ to add or edit your Social-media profiles and Wallet addresses
About ComingChat
ComingChat’s mission is to build a metaverse for the entire ecosystem. With the economic structure of Bitcoin, it aims to reshape the digital economy system for billions of people around the world by building a simple, secure, and private global payment system and financial infrastructure. It further strengthens the interaction between the Internet and the real world by serving as a gateway for users to enter the Web3.0 world where a programmable identity system is established with CID as users’ digital identity, thus achieving unprecedented interoperability.
It will be a trustworthy, and user-centered metaverse platform that enhances user interaction services including:
- Decentralized social system
- Bitcoin wallet
- GameFi
- NFT ecosystem
- DApp