One Hundred Lines of Sui Move Code to Realize Privacy Currency

6 min readNov 4, 2022


By ChainX,ComingChat & OmniBTC CEO, GG

Introduce the bulletproofs encryption system library implemented on Sui, verify_full_range_proof is a verification function of encrypted amount.

use sui::bulletproofs::{verify_full_range_proof};

The amount of tokens is stored in plaintext or secret text.

struct PrivateBalance<phantom T> has store {
commitment: RistrettoPoint, // Stores a Pedersen commitment to the value of the coin
value: Option<u64> // In the case that someone wants to open their value - this number will be public

Verify the user’s own private currency balance and display it.

public fun open_balance<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, value: u64, blinding_factor: vector<u8>) {
let commitment = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(
assert!(ec::bytes(&commitment) == ec::bytes(&self.commitment), 0);
// Bump blinding factor to down to zero
let blinding_point = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0), ec::new_scalar_from_bytes(blinding_factor));
self.commitment = ec::subtract(&self.commitment, &blinding_point);
// Open the value
self.value = option::some(value)

The private amount is added, for example: A transfers money to B, and B’s balance is equal to its own amount plus the amount transferred by A.

public fun join<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, other: PrivateBalance<T>) {
let new_value: Option<u64> = option::none();
// If both coins are already revealed,
if (option::is_some(&self.value) && option::is_some(&other.value)) {
new_value = option::some(*option::borrow(&self.value) + *option::borrow(&other.value));
let PrivateBalance { commitment, value: _ } = other;
self.commitment = ec::add(&self.commitment, &commitment);
self.value = new_value

The private amount is subtracted, for example: A transfers money to B, and A’s balance is equal to its own balance minus the amount to be transferred.

/// Split a `PrivateBalance` and take a private sub-balance from it. `self` always becomes private after this function.
public fun split<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, new_commitment: RistrettoPoint, proof: vector<u8>): PrivateBalance<T> {
// We start with coin A (self), we want to split it to B (new_commitment) and A_new = A - B.
self.commitment = ec::subtract(&self.commitment, &new_commitment);
self.value = option::none();
// In order to prevent new coins being minted, Open(A_new) = Open(A) - Open(B) must hold.
// It is clear to see that as long as |A| >= |B| holds, then the above equation also holds
verify_full_range_proof(&proof, &self.commitment, MAX_COIN_BIT);
PrivateBalance {
commitment: new_commitment,
value: option::none()

Complete Code:

module fungible_tokens::private_balance {
/// For when trying to destroy a non-zero balance.
const ENonZero: u64 = 0;
/// For when an overflow is happening on Supply operations.
const EOverflow: u64 = 1;
/// For when trying to withdraw more than there is.
const ENotEnough: u64 = 2;
/// The maximum unsigned bits that the coin value should be
const MAX_COIN_BIT: u64 = 64;
use sui::bulletproofs::{verify_full_range_proof};
use sui::elliptic_curve::{Self as ec, RistrettoPoint};
use std::option::{Self, Option};
/// A Supply of T. Used for minting and burning.
/// Wrapped into a `TreasuryCap` in the `PrivateCoin` module.
struct Supply<phantom T> has store {
value: u64
/// Storable balance - an inner struct of a PrivateCoin type.
/// Can be used to store coins which don't need to have the
/// key ability.
/// Helpful in representing a PrivateCoin without having to create a stand-alone object.
struct PrivateBalance<phantom T> has store {
commitment: RistrettoPoint, // Stores a Pedersen commitment to the value of the coin
value: Option<u64> // In the case that someone wants to open their value - this number will be public
/// Get the pedersen commitment to the value of the coin.
public fun commitment<T>(balance: &PrivateBalance<T>): RistrettoPoint {
/// Get the value stored by the coin. If the coin is private, will return Option::None.
public fun value<T>(balance: &PrivateBalance<T>): Option<u64> {
/// Get the `Supply` value.
public fun supply_value<T>(supply: &Supply<T>): u64 {
/// Create a new supply for type T.
public fun create_supply<T: drop>(_witness: T): Supply<T> {
Supply {
value: 0
/// Increase supply by `value` and create a new `PrivateBalance<T>` with this value.
/// The new `PrivateBalance<T>` that is created by this function has a blinding_factor set
/// to 0, and is public by default.
/// The first minted private balances never hides its value, because it is
/// important for public auditability that users know the max supply of the coin.
public fun increase_supply<T>(self: &mut Supply<T>, value: u64): PrivateBalance<T> {
assert!(value < (18446744073709551615u64 - self.value), EOverflow);
self.value = self.value + value;
let commitment = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(ec::new_scalar_from_u64(value), ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0));
PrivateBalance {
value: option::some(value)
/// Create a zero `PrivateBalance` for currency type `T`.
/// This is essentially a PedersenCommitment with value = 0, and blinding factor = 0.
public fun zero<T>(): PrivateBalance<T> {
// TODO: For optimization, pre-compute this and store somewhere.
let commitment = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0), ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0));
PrivateBalance {
value: option::some(0)
/// Reveals the balance stored in `self`. The correct value and blinding factor of the coin
/// must be provided to this function, otherwise the call will be aborted. After calling this function,
/// anyone will be able to openly read the value of the balance. Note that after calling this function,
/// the blinding factor of `self` will be set to 0.
public fun open_balance<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, value: u64, blinding_factor: vector<u8>) {
let commitment = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(
assert!(ec::bytes(&commitment) == ec::bytes(&self.commitment), 0);
// Bump blinding factor to down to zero
let blinding_point = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0), ec::new_scalar_from_bytes(blinding_factor));
self.commitment = ec::subtract(&self.commitment, &blinding_point);
// Open the value
self.value = option::some(value)
/// Join two balances together. Note that the resulting coin is only public if both joined coins are also public.
/// Overflows above u64 are not checked, as this is already checked during the minting process.
public fun join<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, other: PrivateBalance<T>) {
let new_value: Option<u64> = option::none();
// If both coins are already revealed,
if (option::is_some(&self.value) && option::is_some(&other.value)) {
new_value = option::some(*option::borrow(&self.value) + *option::borrow(&other.value));
let PrivateBalance { commitment, value: _ } = other;
self.commitment = ec::add(&self.commitment, &commitment);
self.value = new_value
/// Split a `PrivateBalance` and take a private sub-balance from it. `self` always becomes private after this function.
public fun split<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, new_commitment: RistrettoPoint, proof: vector<u8>): PrivateBalance<T> {
// We start with coin A (self), we want to split it to B (new_commitment) and A_new = A - B.
self.commitment = ec::subtract(&self.commitment, &new_commitment);
self.value = option::none();
// In order to prevent new coins being minted, Open(A_new) = Open(A) - Open(B) must hold.
// It is clear to see that as long as |A| >= |B| holds, then the above equation also holds
verify_full_range_proof(&proof, &self.commitment, MAX_COIN_BIT);
PrivateBalance {
commitment: new_commitment,
value: option::none()
/// Takes a public sub-balance from `self`. Note that `self` retains its privacy option after this function.
public fun split_to_public<T>(self: &mut PrivateBalance<T>, value: u64, proof: vector<u8>): PrivateBalance<T> {
// 1. Add functionality for Scalar to Point multiplication of the Pedersen Commitment base in FastCrypto.
// 2. Add Default base Ristretto Points (value and blinding) for Pedersen Commitments on Sui somewhere.
// 3. Replace this with just ec::scalar_to_point(value, PEDERSEN_BASE)
let new_commitment = ec::create_pedersen_commitment(ec::new_scalar_from_u64(value), ec::new_scalar_from_u64(0));
self.commitment = ec::subtract(&self.commitment, &new_commitment);
if (option::is_some(&self.value)) {
// If the value for both coins are public, we can forego the range proof
self.value = option::some(*option::borrow(&self.value) - value);
assert!(*option::borrow(&self.value) >= value, 0)
} else {
self.value = option::none();
verify_full_range_proof(&proof, &self.commitment, MAX_COIN_BIT);
PrivateBalance {
commitment: new_commitment,
value: option::some(value)


The biggest feature of Sui Move is Object, which is an abstraction of the BTC UTXO model. This code is the listing code given by Sui Move, which realizes the privacy currency of addition and subtraction. Our plans to introduce BTC, USDT and other assets through other bridges, and then package these commonly used assets into privacy currency, which can realize privacy payment. Even our products can transform related contracts, so that government departments can supervise privacy currencies, which can be seen in plain text. Ordinary on-chain amounts are also private.

In a word, Sui’s engineering ability is the strongest team I have ever seen, the development is very fast, and the underlying supported cryptographic algorithms and technologies are quite rich. I believe that soon Sui will bring too many innovative products to Web3.




Written by ComingChat

ComingChat is a lifestyle tool in the age of #web3 and #AI. It bridges #Web3( @SuiNetwork ) and ChatGPT( @OpenAI ), allowing users to leverage their advantages.